Director of the Office for Religious
Sister Elizabeth Castro, H.M.S.P.
Sister Elizabeth Castro, H.M.S.P. is the Director of the Office for Religious of the Diocese of Providence and a member of the Missionary Sisters Servants of the Word. Currently, Sister Elizabeth coordinates sacramental preparation programs, liturgical ministries, Bible studies and outreach for evangelization at the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul. Bishop Thomas J. Tobin appointed Sister Elizabeth as the Director of Office for Religious. Before this appointment in the Diocese of Providence she served in New Hampshire at two different Catholic parishes.
Prior to becoming a religious Sister she was an athlete in the beautiful sport of figure skating. Sister Elizabeth's goal was to continue working hard and one day participate in the Olympics. It was also Sister Elizabeth's plans to enter aviation school to become a pilot. But God always works in mysterious ways. Sister Elizabeth was injured in her training, and God then called her to the Religious Life. She was 17 years old when Sister Elizabeth received the strong call to serve the Lord and His Church.
After finishing high school, Sister Elizabeth joined her Religious Order for formation and preparation in all ways. In her own words, Sister Elizabeth says that "It is my great joy serving God through His wonderful people." For Sister Elizabeth the people of God are always in her very special prayers.